One more Ta-dah!
I suddenly realized that I have not shown you the finished result of my "cozy smozy cardigan"!
Those of you who follow me on Instagram have seen a few photos of this earlier, but I don't think I've shown the finished cardigan there either? I finished it during Easter, so it has been worn for a few months now already.
Anyway; like so many other projects I start, this one is also kind of a "spur of the moment project, started off by an amazing bargain on some fluffy, lovely yarn....I alway fall in love with the yarn first, and then I need to find a project for it....(I do the same with shoes, to my husbands massive frustration....I fall in love, buy the shoes, and then go looking for an outfit to match the shoes... Usually it ends up as a very expensive and not very practical way to shop, I admit, but what can you do...? I love shoes - and yarn....Hence, I have loads of both - much more than I'll ever need...Maybe I should do a give-away to mark my upcoming 1-year blog anniversary?? Hm, I have to think about that....)
Anyway, back to the cardigan....I had some doubts about this orangy colour, though, since orange really never has been my "cup of tea"..
But, the yarn was lovely and the price was amazing, so I figured that it was time to try something new...
Inspired by the Marthecardigan from Dorthe Skappel, I started knitting on what I know call my "cozy smozy cardigan :-)
I added some mohairyarn with a little gold glitter in it, so that the white stripes would get that little extra spark in them to match the bold orange/yellow colour. It is not easy to see in these photos, but the gold does add a little "bling" to the cardi, and I like that!❤️
All finished. So soft, warm and comfy!❤️
A very unwilling model (yes, it is me...), again, not quite sure what I think of this colour...
The original pattern is without buttons, but I'm glad I decided to add that. I like to be able to button up the cardigan to stay all toasty warm !❤️
In good use!( Here I am working on my Nordic Shawl, which you can read about here.)
Perfect for chilly morning and nights on the porch. Still not sure about the colour - it is not very "me"....Whay do you think??
But, as a "summerhouse" cardigan, it works fine! I will probably knit one more in another colour, though, 'cause I really love the oversized fit and the shape of this. Big and snuggly ❤️
Until next time.....