Two confirmations and two birthday parties, spread across the last 4 weeks, kind of set the agenda for how to spend my weekends this last month....
Don't get me wrong, I really love baking, but I must admit that even a passionate amateurbaker as myself has had enough of all the sugar and frosting by now.... :-)
I'll try not to overload you with cakes and stuff, so I'll portion it out on several posts, and in a few days I hope I will get back to my wool and crochet....I really miss my needles and much better on the thighs, too......he, he!
Anyway, today, I'll show you what I made for the confirmation of "the boy next door"....
These goodies in soft blue/aqua/creme tones were made for our neighbours son's confirmation a few weeks ago. Inspired by the colourtheme for the tablearrangements, I made some sweet merengue roses....
....and a yummy Oreocake covered in roses, made of cream cheese frosting.
Oreocake really never fails! There wasn't a crumb left of this cake after the party....
The flower decorations on the table. So pretty! ❤️
Time to relax....until next weekend with another confirmation....
❤️ Live - Laugh - Love ❤️
Live - Laugh - Love